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Tangibly increase your freedom and impact as a leader—at work, in life, and in the world.

Together, we create breakthrough change in your life NOW.


Hi there, I'm Stacy.

Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. 

I am inspired by you taking the time to explore what's next in your life.


As a Leadership & Life Coach and former Fortune 500 leader, I help high-achievers, leaders, and changemakers like you conquer their greatest personal and professional challenges.

For over 15 years, I've navigated dynamic terrain of corporate leadership and faced obstacles with anxiety and health. These experiences taught me that the essence of transformation lies in finding the leader within. True leadership starts with leading oneself effectively.

My coaching method is simple: You speak, I listen. I speak, you listen. Together, we co-create your new way of being—a way that elevates your leadership, enriches your life, and ensures every moment feels good—right here, right now.


I know I can take you there because I've been there myself. 


My journey began in 2017 when a catalytic moment forced me to give my life the gift of my own attention. The results were nothing short of miraculous, and I want the same for you.

I am here to remind you that you are the master of your life. By changing the way you think, you are able to do remarkable things, and have all that you want in your life.


It all starts with you. It all starts within. Are you ready?

Stacy made a huge impact on my life. [...] Her superpower is her gift of discernment and wisdom. She was often able to provide insight and truth I could not see myself. [...] Her expertise extends beyond professional coaching alone, and I benefited from her ability to help me navigate complex personal concerns as well. I originally hired her for 6 months and then extended for a full year without hesitation based on all of the progress I was making. I completed this year of coaching having become a far better version of myself, and I owe so much to Stacy for her kindness, love and expertise.

Sr. Entreprise Lead, Amazon Ads

Work With Me


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My Coaching is making a difference to extraordinary individuals across a wide range of organizations and industries around the world. 

From founders of multiple 6- and 7- figure businesses, executives at emerging and Fortune 500 Companies, Lawyers, Psychotherapists, Scientists, Coaches, Architects, Engineers, Startup Founders, Celebrities, Influencers, Filmmakers, Designers, and many more.

I've supported individuals within the following organizations:

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Read what clients are saying about our work together:

"There is life before coaching with Stacy, and there's life after coaching with Stacy. You deserve to experience the incredible transformation that comes from working with her." 

Vice President, Events, Financial Services

Does this resonate?

You have a huge capacity to create, inspire, and serve at the highest level. Your superpower is solving problems with creativity and vision. Your curiosity runs deep, and you're ambitious. A high-achiever, always pushing forward, you're a multi-passionate go-getter, not fitting a regular mold.


You have a bias for action and a track record of success. As a lifelong learner, you constantly seek to grow your knowledge and skills. And you’re the one others can always count on because you get the job done. Without a doubt, you are gifted. Yet, you're feeling stuck and unsatisfied. Even with your accomplishments, you sense there’s more for you. But the path to get there or what this may look like isn't clear.


Confidence doesn't always come easy; self-doubt lingers. Despite your best intentions, you easily slip into familiar patterns of overworking, people-pleasing, and overthinking. You say yes when you should say no. And when you do say no, the guilt makes you wish you had just said yes in the first place.

Your inner landscape is harsh, sometimes unrelenting. Anxiety often creeps in, and burnout's not far behind. Somehow, there's never enough time to do the things that truly matter to you. Your relationship with success? It's complicated. You know you can succeed. You always have. But now you are questioning, at what cost? 


You are fearful about the impact of all this on your relationships as well as health and wellbeing. You're in search of more happiness, more joy, more connection, more ease, and a life that truly fits.

You know that changing your life starts with changing yourself. You're ready to shed old habits that no longer work and cultivate strong relationships—with yourself and others. Living in line with your values matters deeply. You're poised for leadership not in title but in essence—an embodiment of confidence, empathy, and service.


You don't want to do it alone. You crave someone in your life who can help you unlock this next chapter — someone who gets your relentless ambition and can help you release the tension between your drive and desire for personal fulfillment and ease.

That's where our work together begins.

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Free Audio Download

Embrace your leadership evolution! Sign up to receive a transformative guided meditation as my gift to you. Crafted for leaders on the path of growth, this meditation is designed to help you connect deeply with your inner wisdom, amplify your courage, and enhance your confidence. It's a tool for those ready to ascend beyond the peak, for leaders who aspire to not only reach new heights but to raise the mountain itself.

© 2023 by SDF Coaching

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