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I am 100% committed towards helping you
create your most fulfilling life.

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"My life has taken a totally different direction now, and I am
deeply thankful to Stacy for that. Highly recommended!!!"

Senior Customer Engineer, Google


My approach is transformational and combines radical self-discovery with well-researched theory and evidence-based practice—arming you with lifelong skills, wisdom, tools, and practices that you can apply whenever you need them.

  • I help you realize how powerful you are by bringing out the greatness and wisdom that lie within you.  

  • I show you how to find your own answers to your deepest questions and most stubborn problems in your life and in your work.

  • I empower you, challenge you, and encourage you towards achieving self-awareness and self-growth. 

  • I champion your vision for your most gratifying personal and professional life.

The result? You crush your specific goals, overcome any obstacles with grace and joy, and create a custom plan for sustained success.

If you're committed and ready to completely transform your life, and create a life that was previously unimaginable for you, you're ready to work with me.


I am that the person in front of me is the most important conversation I could ever have.

I teach the way I like to learn and for me, that means fully-immersive, focused, playful, productive and life-changing live or online experiences that are designed to help you create massive transformation in your inner world and to build a plan for your outer world. 

Everything that I know, everything I've been taught, everything I've coached others on or been coached on myself, everything that I share with others to help them will be available to become yours.You will leave with everything you need in order to be, do, and create, whatever it is you desire in your life, your business, your relationships, your job, your health, your finances and your happiness but it will be on you to take whatever we do together and be consistent in applying it. 

I encourage you to have high expectations of what you can get out of your life. If the experiences of those who have gone before you are any indication, this work can change your life and be a gamechanger for your own work and your community. Please don
't settle for anything less.


I love the experience of being with another person in the space of created trust, commitment, and vision.


I am constantly amazed at what gets generated when two people sit together, speak, and listen from a space of safety and candor. There is nothing quite like creation. I love what I do and I love whom I do it with.

I coach high-achieving individuals and teams who have determined that investing in a high level of listening, feedback, input, direction, and accountability is in service to their professional and personal transformation.

I work with the most committed. My clients are already great. They have already achieved a high level of success. They don't need a coach, they want a coach.


When you come to me, you are ready to make your ceiling your floor.

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and
the unlived life within us.”

Steven Pressfield

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