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1:1 Coaching

Transformational Personal & Business Coaching

Most people do not lead their life, they accept their life. And when you are accepting your life, you are living of things that are not worthy of your time, effort, and energy.


To go uphill and to be transformed, you've got to be intentional with what you do. This is where I come in.

Let's embark on an empowering and liberating journey that will show you exactly what your world is, so you can see it in a way you have never seen it before. It is a journey that will open your eyes and free your wings. You are about to look "under the hood" of life; you are about to learn to customize your world to your liking.


3 months

Agreement: $6,600

● 10 hours (5 x 2hr sessions)
● Email support

6 months

Agreement: $12,000

20 hrs (2hr launch, 12 x 90-minute video calls, every other week)
● Unlimited email + text support

● Spot coaching by phone as needed

12 months

Agreement: $22,000

● 50+ hrs (24 x 90-minute sessions, every other week)​
● 2 live days in NYC

● Unlimited email + text support

● Spot coaching by phone as needed

Our Time

is not a quick fix or a magic pill. This human experience is a lifelong journey of always evolving. You will never be exonerated from the work. Life will continue to stretch you.

Our work together will enhance your ability to dream. You’ll transcend the limits of what you believe is possible. And, you will discover how truly powerful you are — hint: it’s far beyond you know.

You will leave our time together with a blueprint that will become the basic operating system - the code - for a new version of you. We will co-create a mindset of such deep trust and confidence in yourself that you'll feel ready to tackle the world. 



I work with those whose word is more powerful than any contract or document.

All compensation is paid prior to the first coaching session and is non-refundable. If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a non-profit of my choice. I typically work with most clients for at least 6 months.

Our work will require you to invest far more than money. You must be open and ready to commit your time and energy into creating profound and lasting transformations in your life.

If you’re committed to taking the information and turn it into transformation, I promise we will fundamentally alter your life—and this will be the best investment you’ll make. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

If you are interested in working together, our next step is a conversation. A conversation is an exploration, not a commitment. As with any relationship, we will only move forward if we are both a yes.

Curious? Reach out.

"The most difficult person to lead is always yourself."
John C. Maxwell

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