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What are you COMMITTED to?

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Dear Visionary Leader and High-Achiever,

What are you COMMITTED to?

In "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership", Dethmer, Chapman, and Klemp assert: “Commitment is a statement of what is. You can know your commitments by your results, not by what you say they are. We all produce results. Conscious leaders own their results by recognizing their commitments.”

This resonates deeply with me, both as a Business and Personal Leadership Coach and as someone who has firsthand witnessed transformative shifts in their own health, success, and happiness through unwavering commitment.

Photo by Stefan Holl

Reflect on this ➡ A leader's commitment is mirrored in their team's current engagement level. Why? Because the prevailing team atmosphere, their morale, and motivation, are tangible indicators of leadership commitments, not just the leader's vision or words.

Our results, not our words, are the true testament to our commitments. Commitment to evolution and growth isn't just a philosophy—it's a lived experience. This profound lesson, which I now share with the visionary leaders I coach, has been a cornerstone in my journey.

Neuroscience reveals that our brains have a built-in reward system. When you honor your commitments and act with integrity, this system springs into action, releasing serotonin and dopamine. These hormones aren't just about feeling good—they're markers of success and contentment. Conversely, breaking promises doesn't just erode trust or tarnish your reputation. It also dampens the production of these feel-good hormones. Each time you don't meet the commitments you set for yourself and others, you're not just letting them down—you're diminishing your self-confidence and stifling your innate potential. In essence, keeping your word boosts both your well-being and leadership ability.

Your leadership journey is a testament to the transformative power of true commitment. It's about more than just words; it's about action, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of your highest potential.

As Jean-Paul Sartre reminds us, “Commitment is an act, not a word.”

So, I challenge you:

1️⃣ What legacy do you aspire to leave, and which commitment made today could redefine your leadership journey tomorrow?

2️⃣ How do your daily actions mirror the commitments you've vocalized, and what barriers have held you back from fully embracing them?

3️⃣ In what ways will you ensure that your commitments transcend mere words and become catalysts for transformative action?

4️⃣ As you reflect on your leadership path, how will today's commitments shape the future for both you and those you lead?

If you're ready to dive deeper, to truly commit to your evolution and growth, let's be in conversation.

Take the first step.

Photo by Fan Ho


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