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What got you here won't get you there

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Photo credit: Pinterest, Unknown

What got you here won’t get you there–such is the paradox of progress.

The critical question then becomes, "Who do you need to be to get to where you want?"

Leadership is more than a role; it is a metamorphosis of self—where you emerge not just with new skills but as a new being attuned to the nuances of human potential and organizational synergy. It's about who you need to become in the pursuit of what you aspire to create and how, by transforming yourself, you catalyze growth in others.

A true leader's journey is never complete, it is ever-going. The pinnacle of today is only the base camp for tomorrow's ascent. Yet the higher path is not one of mere continuation but one of reinvention. The very mindset and strategies that brought you to your current level may become the very barriers that stop you from rising further. Remember, the same actions often yield the same results. What got you here can keep you here.

In this ascent of success and leadership, the most significant transformation happens within. Marshal Goldsmith reminds us, "Behavioral problems, not technical skills, are what separate the great from the near great." And as Albert Schweitzer famously said, "Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing." Your personal evolution sets the stage for the growth of those you lead.

We, as leaders, must continually evolve our approach, examining not only our strategies but the foundational beliefs that fuel them. The ability to rethink and unlearn is as crucial as the ability to learn and innovate.

Success and Leadership in their essence are an inner game. Both are about the silent, relentless pursuit of transformation and the courage to shed outdated beliefs, habits, and behaviors. This inner game is won through evolution, not just change—it requires not only a psychological pivot from what is to what could be but also a profound shift in identity. It challenges leaders to question and overhaul the internal narratives that have created their past successes but may not pave the way for future achievements.

An informed leader knows what to do. A wise leader knows what to stop and inspires others to do the same.

In my coaching practice, I often challenge the leaders I coach to create a 'To-Stop' list rather than a 'To-Do' list because true leadership lies not in just acquiring information but in discerning what one needs to let go. What mental models and practices no longer serve yours and your organization's growth?

I invite you to envision the version of yourself that exists at the pinnacle of your aspirations and start embodying that version now. Create your future from the future.

Remember, Leadership is about more than ascending a hierarchical ladder; it's about ascending the ladder within yourself to a place where you lead with vision, purpose, and a profound understanding of the growth that matters most.

  • What untested assumptions might you be carrying, and how could these be limiting your potential?

  • Are you willing to disrupt your own status quo to unlock a higher level of achievement?

  • What concrete actions will you commit to today that will architect the tomorrow you envision?

I am not here to help you just reach the peak; I’m here to help you raise the mountain itself.

In your corner.

Photo credit: Pinterest, Unknown


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