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I work with my clients in person, by phone and by video.

"There is life before coaching with Stacy, and there's life after coaching with Stacy. You deserve to experience the incredible transformation that comes from working with her." 

Vice President, Events, Financial Services

Angie Vargo

Senior Enterprise Lead,
Amazon Ads

Stacy made a huge impact on my life. As I climbed the corporate ladder, I was finding more success at work but less balance and happiness at home. I started to feel perpetually disconnected and apathetic, which is why I sought a coach like Stacy. She helped me reconnect with my feelings, formally define my values and refine my focus on my true priorities. Her superpower is her gift of discernment and wisdom. She was often able to provide insight and truth I could not see myself. She provided me with practical and sustainable systems that allowed me to shift my mindset and my habits. Her expertise extends beyond professional coaching alone, and I benefited from her ability to help me navigate complex personal concerns as well. I originally hired her for 6 months and then extended for a full year without hesitation based on all of the progress I was making. I completed this year of coaching having become a far better version of myself, and I owe so much to Stacy for her kindness, love and expertise.

Zissis Konstas

Senior Customer Engineer,

I am incredibly grateful for the 9-month life coaching program I completed with Stacy. It helped me to define my life purpose, clarify my goals, and establish habits that serve me. Stacy was incredibly supportive and insightful. She helped me to see my limiting beliefs and walked me through a framework to create a strategy for my life. Apart from that, she helped me process certain challenges through workshop sessions. Not only was this useful, but it also served as a tool that I could use myself to process similar situations in the future. One of the most valuable things I learned from the program is the importance of taking action. My coach helped me to break down my goals into smaller, more manageable steps. She also helped me to develop accountability systems to stay on track. Specifically through a weekly check in with Stacy and a daily accountability habit through journaling. Here are some specific examples of the benefits I have experienced since completing the program: I have set specific goals for myself and have a plan for achieving them. I have developed new habits that support my goals and help me to live a more balanced and fulfilling life. I am more confident and decisive. I have improved my relationships with others. I am more grateful for what I have. Stacy helped me transform my life in so many ways. I highly recommend working with Stacy to anyone that wants to take their life to the next level.

Evina Vassiliades

Director, Payment Gateway Services,

"Stacy has been a light of inspiration for me over the last months! She is an extremely charismatic coach that has helped me raise self awareness, confidence and focus on myself. She has been instrumental in helping me deal with the challenges of being a working mum coping with stress, identifying a future vision for myself and understanding how toxic stress can be. The techniques and tips she provided have significantly improved my state of mind and overall wellbeing. Stacy is awesome at understanding you as a person and committed to helping you onto this new journey. I’m blessed our paths have crossed!"

George S.

Disputes & Investigations Lawyer

"Stacy is a dedicated, driven, and empathetic coach.  She engages fully and honestly with her clients, develops a comprehensive understanding of their problems, and offers a creative, insightful, effective, and feasible approach to achieving their goals.  It only takes a single session to see that she cares about people, enjoys helping them, and is great at what she does.  Importantly, she is curious and eager to learn alongside her clients, and a pleasure to work with.  I would highly recommend her to anyone who is committed to self-development."

Victoria Schade

COO, Makeup Artist, Special Effects Salon and Tea

"My time with Stacy over the past 6 months was truly life-changing. I first joined a 'Create Your Future in 2023' Workshop with Stacy earlier this year, and from those 2 hours being with her- I immediately wanted to learn more about working one-on-one with her. I began my 6-month Coaching Program with Stacy lacking clarity, focus, and joy- burdened with overwhelm, anxiety + confusion. When I observed my life, I didn't truly feel abundant, even though I felt I SHOULD. Stacy created a space for me to open up more and more as each session progressed- to show a vulnerable side of myself that I had never brought to light. Stacy provides a space to feel safe, and INCREDIBLY SUPPORTED. Stacy pushed me in ways no one else ever has, asking questions that I came to find out that.. I hold all the answers to. Caring for myself has become a lifestyle. Self-Care is no longer linear- it's doing what feels GOOD to me in that given moment. Less rigidity, more forgiveness, more gratitude that I GET to do this. Stacy is truly a wealth of knowledge. Her passion and continued learning of neuroscience has greatly inspired me to learn more, too! I never knew our thoughts were so powerful. Harnessing the awareness of my thoughts has been a total gamechanger.  From the 6 months working with Stacy, I am a better person to myself. I genuinely love myself. I embrace my story, instead of hiding from it. And because of all of this, I show up as a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, and leader. I am filled with joy, because I am clear on my values in life and my PURPOSE.  The resources, tools and practices Stacy shared with me are priceless, and have helped guide me through this self-transformation. Stacy has shown continued support and love towards me- always. The care, attention and love she puts into her work are inspiring, to say the least. Now that I have honed in on feeling GOOD, living joyfully and in alignment with my purpose here on earth, I am looking forward to the next opportunity I have to work one-on-one with Stacy- this time regarding Leadership in my professional life."

Sofia Nomikou

Influencer, TV Presenter,  Spokeswoman

"I had been following Stacy for a while and her messages kept clicking with me and what was going on in my head. The fact that she had managed to change direction in her life, while dynamically and successfully pursuing her new goals is what inspired me to work with her, because although I had been pursuing something similar in my own life for quite some time, I struggled with imposter syndrome. I needed someone to help me see me that I have the tools to get anything done as long as I set my mind to it and do the work! I needed someone that I respect to encourage me! When I experienced Stacy’s coaching firsthand, I was impressed with the compassionate, dedicated and knowledgeable coach that she is. Stacy is a great listener. She listens from a place of true interest in you and what’s going on in your life. Her approach is relatable and doable. Stacy helped me get clarity on the next steps I needed to take in my professional and personal life based on my true wants and needs. If you’re looking for an inspiring Coach that is exceptionally skilled at helping you find your own answers, I can’t recommend her enough!"

Eleni Koletsa

Biomedical Scientist,

"Stacy is an amazing coach that you can easily trust your goals and to transform you to the greatest version of yourself. I had been following Stacy for a while and every post clicked inside me. After our first call, I knew that I have a true connection with her. I'm so glad that I worked with her and I will again. She was so incredibly responsive to all the emails that I send to her. I learned from her that I AM the creator of my life. I learned how to be committed to myself, and for me that was a huge success. I had a dream for the last 5-years, this dream in a few days from now will come true and this happened in 4 months. I don't know how all this would have worked if I didn't have Stacy by my side. She was a light through all the struggles. And imagine that we are only 15% in our work together. I don't know what I will create when I work with her 100%. I highly recommend her. She such a generous, gifted, helpful, loving & passionate coach."

Velvet D.

Director, Producer,

"Stacy is a talented and empathetic coach who transformed my life. Our sessions were powerful for me to understand myself better and heal. They were heart-led, not forced, not hurried, and she allowed me to be me and held space when needed. It was an absolute gift to work with Stacy!"

Despoina Lavda

Actress, Singer

"Having only had two sessions with Stacy I can honestly say she has completely transformed my worldview! Being an artist who struggled with my career, I was amazed of how she approached everything I brought into our sessions in regard to my blocks. She made me realise the need to see every bit of my life and not only the career and relationships I focused on. Her holistic approach, her light and calmness have done miracles on my mindset and I am so grateful for her. I now take full action and deliver on what I say I will do to change my life for the better. I was lucky beyond measure to encounter her and having her as an ally! Thank you Stacy for everything you are and do, you truly impact the lives you touch."

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